alpha vnc Pro

Remote access for more

Do you wish to control a group of Android devices remotely? Do you want to see their online status and establish secure connections via browser simultaneously? Do you need mass deployment and configuration without the use of Google services? Then, you need alpha vnc Pro!

Mass deployment and configuration

The licensing of the end-devices is realized by scanning a QR-Code with the device camera or by importing a license-file, e.g. via a Mobile device management (MDM) system. Set up your required parameters for mass configuration and control by parameter which devices will be automatically deployed.

Likewise alpha vnc lite, there is no root access required!

For more information about the licensing process, download the Licensing & Configuration Guide. For more information on the available functions, check the online tutorial of the application.

abr Remote Console

Extend the functionality of alpha vnc Pro with the abr Cloud Services. Manage your license-keys and connect to your devices simultaneously via browser.

Register your license-key at the abr Remote Console and test the Service for 30 days without any commitment. On START of the application, the device will appear online and you will be able to establish encrypted remote connections.

Following evaluation, you can select the subscription plan that fits your use case.

Business ready

Want your company logo included? Need a custom solution with low maintenance requirements? Then include the functionality of alpha vnc into your own Android application with the alpha vnc API.

Try it now!

You can purchase alpha vnc Pro licenses directly from us. Multiple requests come with a better price. Do not hesitate to contact our team for an individual request.