alpha vnc – API

Remote access for developers

Integrate the functionality of alpha vnc into your own app. As a developer of an enterprise mobile app, you can provide full remote access to your customers.

Key features

  • IPC via AIDL
  • Inline API calls
  • Callback interfaces
  • Initialization over API Key
  • Full integration
  • Low maintenance
  • Online documentation


Connectivity to alpha vnc pro

Inter-process communication (IPC) via Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) is used to consume the functionality of alpha vnc. The alpha vnc pro APK is fully connectible. Following its installation, the API will consume its functionality and integrate it into your system. It requires low maintenance and it gives full freedom to customize and work with.

For the implementation, we deliver an API project containing all the necessary interfaces, as well as an API Key for the initialization. For optimum results, we recommend to update alpha vnc pro regularly to its latest version.


API Subscription plan

The API Service to integrate the functionality of alpha vnc into your own App is offered for a yearly fee of 720,00€ (ex. VAT), independent of the number of supported devices! Technical support during implementation, as well as standard maintenance of alpha vnc are included in this price.

Feel free to check our competitive fees for the most required packages here.


Get started

If you wish to know more, please contact our team and get started!